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The Perspective of Justice
12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Year B
June 20, 2021
Gerald Darring
Primal Forces

We humans are full of pride. We depend on our own resources and think we can solve any problem by applying our wit and energy.

Meanwhile, the problems pile up. Wars proliferate. Hunger abounds. The ecology deteriorates. There is poverty, homelessness, unemployment. Frustration drives some to crime. Others seek relief in drugs.

Perhaps one day we will realize that it will take more than our feeble efforts to rid the world of these problems. It will take the power of God, the one who “shut within doors the sea and made the clouds its garment.”

Humans alone against the great injustices of the world are like the disciples in the boat during the storm. They are helpless, unable to control these primal forces.

If only they would realize that they have with them the Lord of the universe, the one who can make the wind and the sea obey!

If only they would not be so lacking in faith, then maybe, by joining their efforts with the power of the almighty God, they could say to all the warmongers and haters and oppressors of the world: “Quiet! Be still!”

Any interpretation that restricts the human predicament to a single, well-circumscribed problem, soluble through structural changes alone, is bound to be dangerously one-sided. Even to expect the solution of all human suffering or all social justice from revolution or social reform is to prepare oneself for bitter disillusionment.

US Bishops, Pastoral Letter on Marxist Communism, 1980:32

Gerald Darring

Now published in book form, To Love and Serve: Lectionary Based Meditations, by Gerald Darring. This entire three year cycle is available at

Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C). This art may be reproduced only by parishes who purchase the collection in book or CD-ROM form. For more information go