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Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

1. For the Church: that we may be instruments of healing, relieving the suffering of those who are burdened with illness or frailty, and offering support and hope

2. For a renewed apostolic spirit: that we may be on fire with zeal to announce the Good News that there is meaning, purpose, and value in every life because of Christ

3. For all the preach the Good News: that God will inspire their words to draw people closer to Christ and empower them to live the Gospel each day

4. For pastoral ministers and missionaries, particularly those serving in areas of crime and violence: that God will guide and protect them as they accompany God’s people with the Gospel and words of hope

5. For all who are hopeless or despairing: that the Spirit of God will bring light to their darkness and hope to their hearts

6. For all who feel devalued: that God will heal their self-image and give them a new spirit of purpose and direction in life

7. For all who echo Job’s cry: those struggling to survive, fleeing violence, or searching for food: that the Spirit will give them strength and that open our hearts to assist them

8. For all young people who are searching: that they may come to know God in a new way and be filled with enthusiasm for life

9. For all in health care ministry: that God will work through them to bring healing and strength to all who seek their assistance

10. For all who are ill: that the Spirit of Christ may renew the gift of life within them and bring healing to their mind, body, and spirit

11. For all who are seeking employment: that God will open new opportunities for them and help them recognize their gifts and skills that they have not been using

12. For the members of Congress: that God will guide their deliberations on the budget and immigration, help them develop policies that honor the dignity of each person, and promote the greatest good for our society

13. For all who are working to establish peace: that the Spirit will lead their dialogue and inspire new pathways to establish lasting peace and mutual understanding

14. For effective and rapid distribution of the Covid vaccines: that God will inspire and guide those who are distributing and administering the vaccines and bring an end to the pandemic

15. For all who have died, particularly those who had Covid-19: that Christ will welcome them into eternal joy and give peace to all who grieve their death


Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:

Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
This art may be reproduced only by parishes who purchase the collection in book or CD-ROM form. For more information go to