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Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the Church: that the power of Christ’s resurrection may give us vision and perspective for our lives and the courage to live for God each day

For growth in faith: that we may recognize our need for God in every part of our lives and deepen our trusting reliance upon God who provides all that we need for life and wholeness

For new sight and insight: that we may not be blinded by comfort or privilege to the struggles and suffering of others

For discernment: that we may see beyond the false answers of consumerism and prosperity and recognize that we will only find the true fulfillment of our hungers and desires in God

For all who are persecuted or suffering for their faith: that they may have the strength to bear the burdens of the day and be convincing witnesses of the new life given by God

For an end to violence and the exploitation of the poor: that God will raise up those who are exploited in slave-like working conditions or caught in human trafficking and heal their wounds, and lead them to a new life

For all who are grieving: that those who have lost loved ones, their health, employment, or freedom may know the presence of God who wipes away all tears and who brings light into every darkness

For national leaders: that God will give them wisdom in addressing the issues that challenge society, free them from self-reliance, and inspire them to work for the common good

For all who work in literacy programs: that they may continue their efforts to educate and empower those who are deprived of full participation in our society

For refugees: that God will lead them to places of safety and help them to build new lives in communities that will welcome their gifts and talents

For all who are burdened by the power of nature: that God will relieve their suffering, give them courage, and help them find the assistance that they need

For the protection and renewal of the earth: that God will inspire and guide us as we strive to be good stewards of the air, land, and water which God has given to us

For all who are suffering: that God will guide the homeless to shelter, the hungry to food, and the abused to places of safety

For the Synod on Synodality: that the Spirit will renew the Church as we listen to one another and strive to bring forth God’s reign in our communities

For all who are sick: that God will restore the sick to health, help all to get good sleep, and strengthen all who are for the sick