for General Intercessions
ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers
of a particular community of faith.
Joe Milner
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 15, 2010
For the Church: that by our fidelity, we may be a sign to our society that God is with us and active in our midst
For all people of faith: that we may be open to the continuing marvels that God does in our time and grow in our ability to echo Mary's "yes" in every aspect of our lives
For all who are gathered in prayer: that we, like Mary, may take to heart the word that God speaks to us and strive to fully put it into practice in our lives
For a greater understanding of our ultimate goal: that our belief in the resurrection will sustain us through all the losses and misfortunes of life
For a deeper respect for the human body: that all will recognize their body as a temple of the living God
For a growing appreciation of Mary as mother of the Church: that the witness of Mary’s faithfulness to God’s
For all who are pregnant, especially those with an untimely or difficult pregnancy: that the gift of life entrusted to them may be nurtured and that they may make wise and loving decisions for their child
For all who hunger after justice and righteousness: that they may be sustained by word and sacrament as they await the fulfillment of God’s promises
For the conversion of the strong and mighty: that God will change the hearts of dictators, oppressors, and those who enslave others so that they may see all people as their sisters and brothers
For an end to war, violence and terrorism: that Christ may put these destructive acts under his feet and free the world from them
For all who are suffering; for the homeless, the ill, the victims of violence, and those facing financial crisis: that God will sustain their spirits, relieve their suffering, and give them hope
For all who have been touched by death: that their faith will sustain them in the weeks ahead and that their mourning may be turned into joy in God's time
For teachers and administrators as they prepare for the coming school year: that they may nurture and encourage each child to use their gifts to the fullest
For parents as they prepare to send their daughters and sons off to college: that they support them with love and encourage them to be faithful to their values
For all leaders in government: that they will be faithful in fulfilling their duties and aware of the needs of the voiceless and powerless in society |
Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the
Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church
on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri.
For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:
https://sfxstl.org/ |

Art by Martin Erspamer, O.S.B. (formerly Steve Erspamer, S.M.)
from Religious
Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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