The Center for Liturgy at Saint Louis
Web Sites
1. Daily Reflections:
Liturgical and other kinds of spirituality.
One of the very best and most used sites.
Creighton University faculty, staff and administrators
reflect upon the daily readings (as well as Sundays).
Contains also an online Ignatian retreat, viewable talks
on Ignatian retreats and spirituality, and other
excellent resorces.
Daily Reflections
2. Sunday Reflections: Sunday Mass and Justice.
This site provides commentary pointed toward justice on
each Sunday, including quotations from, e.g., the U. S.
Bishops, Pope John Paul, Cardinal Martini. Also has
"Thoughts for Your Consideration,"short
meditative paragraphs, "Questions for Reflection in
your Faith Sharing Group," links to several sites,
and a closing prayer.
Sunday Reflections
3. Sacred Space:
Guided daily prayer.
A very popular site from Ireland that gives a daily
prayer (not related to the Mass of the day) and
interesting questions to ponder.
Sacred Space
4. New American Bible:
Arranged according to daily Mass readings.
The New American Bible, official translation of Catholic lectionary
(about two months are there). This translation was
commissioned and is sponsored by the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and is the
required text for liturgy in the United States. Find the
readings of the day easily here.
New American Bible
5. Pilgrim Music:
Popular liturgical CDs from various publishers.
An independent site where you can order popular
recordings from liturgical composers. Features the
most-ordered items first, but with a search function
for particular composers. Handy because not limited to
any one publisher, and because the interface is quite
easy to use. Note: the new St. Louis Jesuits jubilee
collection is in stock on this site.
6. Sacred Music Project (Chant):
Featuring English chant propers composed by Fr.
Columba Kelly, OSB, monk of St. Meinrad
Gregorian chant can be seen as a form of
“sung speech.” Its musical rhythm is
inspired by how the sacred text would be spoken in
a large group at a solemn liturgy by a good
lector. Settings that are posted here are
primarily of the proper antiphons of the Mass as
given in the current English translation of the
Roman Missal. Chant instruction and free downloads
of Proper of the Mass chants used by St. Meinrad
Archabbey for each Sunday of the year.
Sacred Music Project
7. Mass Time & Church Locator:
Mass times for travelers.
Listing of Mass times in most parishes in US. From
Catholic Information Center on Internet.
Mass Time & Church Locator
8. Lector Preparation/Lector's Notes:
About the readings and proclaiming them
Excellent, up to date information on each reading,
preparation in understanding and in proclaiming
them. Very good site for lectors, but people in
the pews will also find much of interest. There is
detailed comment on the readings, with a
showing the readings on the left and the analysis
on the right. Lector Preparation/Lector's Notes
9. Parish Evaluation Project:
About the parish and its health.
PEP Pastoral Consultants are resources to Catholic
parishes, dioceses, religious communities, and
pastoral ministries throughout the United States. With
expertise gained over the past thirty years, the staff
members help these communities in six areas:
liturgies, community-building, formation, outreach,
administration, and leadership. The site itself has
interesting thoughts on each of these and is worth a
Parish Evaluation Project
10. Copyright Basics:
Specifics about copyright law and the Church
A guide to understanding the nature of copyright for
the users of Church music, and to help Church musicians
protect themselves and their churches from infringing
the legal rights of copyright owners.
Music Publishers Association (MPA)
11. FDLC Liturgical Catechesis:
(Part of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical
Commissions website).
The site is beginning with a basic liturgical
bibliography with links to those documents that can be
found on-line. Future pages will feature articles and
essays on liturgy and sacramental theology. The website
plans to "communicate to the faithful the basic
principles of Roman Catholic liturgy as articulated in
the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy" (Delegates
to the 2003 National Meeting of Diocesan Liturgical
Liturgical Catechesis Project
12. Liturgical Catechesis:
Learn about liturgy and about teaching it.
Helpful links, and also articles largely drawn from
Modern Liturgy Magazine and also from Archdiocese of
Chicago's (LTP) Liturgy Training Publications. Site
maintained by Fr. Jerry Chinchar at the University of
Liturgical Catechesis
13. Homilias Dominicales:
Considerations in Spanish on the upcoming
There are two sites with the same name, both
containing Spanish reflections on the readings from
particular Sundays. The first is
Homilias Dominicales, and the second is
Homilias Dominicales
(part of a larger site).
14. Sunday's Gospel Reflections:
Simple but excellent preparation for Sunday.
This site gives the Gospel text, then
"Interesting Details" (they actually
are), one main point stated in a single sentence,
followed by several questions for reflection. It
is arranged by the lectionary cycles A, B, C.
Subscription can bring the material to you via
Sundays Gospel Reflections
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