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Study of the Readings

Joyce Ann Zimmerman, ed.

• Words, Phrases
• To the point
• Second Reading
Our Experience


The Word Engaged

John Kavanaugh, S. J.

I once received a letter from a young seminarian who told of his desire to live the gospel whole-heartedly. The main barrier, he confessed, was the advice from a few elders warning him that he should not get carried away...


Historical Cultural Context

John J. Pilch

In the Aramaic language that Jesus spoke the word translated as “earth” can also—and in this passage, culturally more plausibly—be translated as “earth-oven”...


Thoughts from the
Early Church

Edith Barnecut, O.S.B., ed.

Nicolas Cabasilas

It was fitting that the Virgin should share in every aspect of her Son’s providential care for us...


Preparing for Sunday

Gillick, S. J.

...We are praying with our belief in Mary as the mother of Jesus and the mother of God. We are praying with our awareness of how blessed is fidelity when it is lived within the human experiences of letting go to clarity and quick results...


Scripture In Depth

Reginald H. Fuller

An analysis of the readings for this Sunday.
