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Ideas for General Intercessions

These ideas are designed to be starting points for the prayers of a particular community of faith.

Joe Milner

For the church: that God will form us into a family of faith that encourages and supports one another in living the Gospel more fully each day

For a deepening of prayer: that the Spirit will guide our families in praying together and help us to listen to God’s response in the quiet of our hearts and in our experiences of each day

For all mothers: that the Son of Mary will help them to love their children unselfishly and encourage them in the Christian way

For all fathers: that the Son of the carpenter will fill them with wisdom as they seek to guide and accompany their children toward maturity and wholeness

For all children: that Emmanuel will protect them from harm and help them discover their identity as children of God

For all married couples: that they may faithfully love each other, help each other to grow in Christ, and give witness to God’s faithfulness in their words and deeds

For all Senior Citizens: that like Simeon and Anna, they may continually build up their community by prayer, witness, and loving service

For families who are suffering: that God will reunite families that have been separated at the border, help those in refugee camps to support one another, and keep parents in prison in communication with their children

For all who have no families: that those who have been orphaned, alienated, or rejected by their families may experience love, acceptance, and belonging through this Christian community

For those who are experiencing divorce: that the Christ Child may bring healing and hope to their hearts

For families wounded by addictions: that God will free those bound by addictions and heal the wounded relationships in their lives

For greater communication and listening: that God will open our hearts to truly hear one another and give us the courage to share our deeper selves with those to whom we share a commitment

For families burdened by poverty or under economic stress: that God will sustain them, help parents find work, and guide them to the resources that will relieve their burdens

For an end to the pandemic: that God will heal the sick, comfort the grieving, strengthen the healthcare workers, and guide the vaccine distribution and administration

For Peace in Jerusalem: that the Holy City for Jews, Muslims, and Christians maybe a place of dialogue, respect, and peace


Joe Milner
Joe Milner coordinates RCIA and is a member of the Liturgy Planning Team for St. Francis Xavier College Church on Saint Louis University campus in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information about St. Francis Xavier go to:
Art by Martin Erspamer, OSB
from Religious Clip Art for the Liturgical Year (A, B, and C).
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