Working with the Word Study of the Readings Ed. by Joyce Ann Zimmerman, et al.
• Words, Phrases
• To the point • First Two Readings
• Experience
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Let the Scriptures Speak Dennis
Hamm, SJ
Accordance with the Scriptures
All of the Synoptic Gospels are clear that Jesus' choice of the donkey as his mount for entering Jerusalem was quite deliberate. The move is so carefully prearranged that one suspects that it is some kind of prophetic symbolic action.
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The Word Embodied
John Kavanaugh, SJ
The crisis of Palm Sunday is the crisis of every epoch and culture. We are torn between Christ and tribe, between casting our allegiance with him or with the nation, between the king’s call and safety’s comfort.
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Scripture In Depth Reginald H. Fuller
When Jesus ate with the riffraff, he crossed over from God’s side and put himself on the side of sinners in order that he might seek and save them. On the cross he carries this action to its lowest point. more …