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Share this Sunday Web Site with your faith community

Imagine if everyone in your parish came to Sunday Mass
already aware of the day's readings, the liturgical season,
and how these things apply to his or her life.

If they had been reflecting and praying in this way during the week,
imagine how fully they could participate in the Mass.

The Sunday Web Site is one of the most effective and simplest ways your parish can enliven and deepen each person's experience of the Mass - without the expense of subscriptions or printed materials. We suggest the following plan to involve your whole parish.


• Announce the Sunday Web Site to all of your parishioners with a bulletin insert and a graphic link on your parish website.

• Explain the idea of preparing their hearts and minds for Mass in a homily, announcement, or at various meetings at your parish (committees, scripture study, faith sharing).

• If you have a parish school, religious education program or youth ministry, make the Sunday Web Site part of the lesson plans alongside your other books, materials, and activities.

• Remind your parishioners of the site with an annual or seasonal bulletin insert and a weekly small reminder in the bulletin.


Bulletin insert/flier, full-page letter sized

Bulletin insert/flier, half-page legal sized
Weekly reminder text #1:
For prayerful preparation during the week before Sunday Mass, visit liturgy.slu.edu. Reflecting on the spirituality of the scriptures before Mass can have a great impact on hearing the Word proclaimed on Sunday.
Weekly remidner text #2:
You can make Sunday's readings part of your personal prayer during the week. Visit liturgy.slu.edu for prayer, spirituality, and scripture resources.

To insert a link on your website, simply copy the html code text into your page's code. This will automatically add the button/banner and the corresponding link.

The Center for Liturgy Sunday Web Site

<a href="http://liturgy.slu.edu/"><img src="http://liturgy.slu.edu/images/link_button.gif" width="91" height="36" ALT="The Sunday Website at SLU" border="1"></a>








Get ready by getting to know the readings, their spirituality, the culture from which they came, and by seeing what music parishes have selected! Special prayers included, as well as pre-described links. Liturgy.

Holy Days, Liturgy, Sunday, Catholic, Louis, Readings,.Mass, Center, The Saints, Jesus, Trinity, Not for Priests only! Not for Liturgists only! Every person in the pews wants help to be ready for Mass on Sunday.

Foley, John Foley, Jesuit, St. Louis Jesuits, Readings, Gospel, Psalms, Responsorial Psalms, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Spirituality, John Kavanaugh, Sacred Space, Sacred, Catholic, Roman Catholic, Church, Christian, Christians, Faith, Parish, Doctrine, Documents, Theology, Vatican II,Lord's Prayer Parish, parish, parishes, Parishes, Participation at Mass, Pentecost, prayer, Prayer Group, prayer groups, praying, Preparation for Mass, Prepare for Sunday, preparing for Sunday, Psalms, Readings,

Get ready for Sunday! Liturgy of the Eucharist, Liturgy of the Word, Lord's Prayer, Mass, Music, Music for Liturgy, music ministers, Musical, Ordinary, Ordinary Time, Easter, Epiphany, Eucharist, eucharist, Faith, faithful, Foley, Formation, Gospel, Holy Days, Holy Spirit, Homily, homily, Ignatian, Jesuit, Jesuits, Jesus,Fr. John Foley, justice, Last Supper, lectors, Lent, Liturgical, Liturgical Music, Catechetic, Catechetical, Formation, Music , Musical, Homily, Scripture, Scripture Analysis, Bible, Bible Study, bible, Word, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Rite, Center for Liturgy, CFL at SLU, CFL at Saint Louis University, Saint Louis University, St. Louis University, liturgy, Mass, Sunday Mass, Sunday, sunday, Eucharist, eucharist, Preparation for Mass, Participation at Mass, Active participation.

Responsorial Psalms, retreat, Retreat, Rite, Roman Catholic, Sacred, Sacred Music, Gospel, First Reading, Homilies, General Intercessions,

Saint Louis University, Saints, Scripture, scripture, Scripture Analysis, sermon, sermons, Spirit, Spirituality, St. Ignatius, St. Louis Jesuits, St. Louis University, Sunday, sunday, Sunday Mass, Sunday Web Site, Theology, Triduum, Trinity, Vatican II, Word, Liturgy, Liturgical, Liturgical Music, Music for Liturgy, Assembly, Congregation, clergy, lectors, music ministers, choir, choirs, choir directors, cantor, cantors, Catechesis, Active participation, Advent, Assembly, Bible, bible, Bible Study, cantor, cantors, Catechesis, Catechetic, Catechetical, Catholic, Center for Liturgy, Center, CFL at Saint Louis University, CFL at SLU, choir, choir directors, choirs, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Church, church, clergy, Congregation, Doctrine, Documents,